International Organisations and States Planting Positive Change
In the international arena, countries, organisations, and peoples, strongly demand the reduction of greenhouse gases, which have had evident detrimental effects on the planet’s climate, generating millions in loss and grief. International organisations and states can take the lead in contributing to the reforestation of vital ecosystems by planting trees in strategically selected regions of Colombia, where the peace process will also be positively impacted. A win-win situation for international organisations and states, the planet and endangered ecosystems.
Restoring Ecosystems and Promoting Peace
Government involvement will be received with the highest ethical standards in coordination with allied organisations that include former Ministers of Environment and Peace Process negotiators, like Mr. Frank Pearl. This alliance has well over 15 years experience restoring Colombia’s forests, operating in 15 departments, all ecosystems, and always hand-in-hand with the local communities. Now peace is added to our sum goal of impacts.
International Organisations and States Have Great Reach
Climate change is a global problem and has become a national action plan for every country in the world. We have selected the most fragile ecosystems, which have the frailest communities, where government and international cooperation funding can have a powerful impact in stabilising degraded Colombian ecosystems and, at the same time, incentivize the peace process in those regions.
Strengthening Economies and Changing Lives
With the planting, survival, and impact tracing of each new native tree planted, we bring work opportunities to the people who call our areas of reforestation home. We also support strong alliances with associations of campesinos, indigenous populations, Afro-Colombian communities, as well as other relevant national, regional and local non-governmental organisations. We want to positively change lives and livelihoods.
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Operational Transparency and Protections
We provide complete transparency on how all funds are implemented and managed. We conduct regular internal and external audits, while our investment and expenditure decisions are openly discussed and evaluated from various flanks, with the highest governance standards, implementing a set of world renown safeguards—which include but are not limited to: